For every married woman across the nineteenth-century America, her wedding was the most significant event of here life. In those few moments, no matter how elegant or humble the surroundings ..... she permanently committed herself to the man standing there at her side clasping her hand." 1
When 20 year old Queen Victoria made her wedding plans the ideal of what a brides dress should look like was changed for all future brides and even today a lovely white dress is the dream of every bride. "Most American couples were wed by a clergyman at the home of the bride, in such informal ceremonies of republican simplicity." 2 The bride wore the best dress she had or could make whatever that might be.
Interestingly white had been worn for weddings earlier simply because during the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth white linen homespun dresses were the usual for best dresses. Many young women made such a dress for her wedding as it could be worn after her wedding for other occasions. If she had the means she could even purchase sheer cotton mull, cambric or dimity for a finer white dress. 3
Weddings Before Queen Victoria's
Before this famous wedding a royal bride wore heavy state robes of materials such as brocade and velvet. Not so with the everyday bride. American weddings were simple things usually held in the bride's home.
A Massachusetts country wedding in 1827 was described in this way. Neighbors and relatives were crowded into a farmhouse parlor with the bride and groom in front of the minister. He joined the couple's hands together and led them through a short exchange of vows.
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