Queen Victoria's Dress Sets a New Standard

Then came the wedding of the cenLinktury. Queen Victoria's wedding wasn't just the talk of the town, it was the talk of the western world. "Thousands and thousands of newspapers and periodicals were shared, reaching women in remote new settlements hungering for fineries and romance. Queen Victoria's wedding was the talk." 3

As soon as this famous wedding occurred the ideal of a proper wedding changed. Women were advised to wear a white gown and veil with her head crowned with artificial white orange blossoms. One difference from the custom today was that the bridesmaids were to wear white dresses as well, though in a simpler style.

The truly elegant wedding was to be a held in a church but this did not mean that all brides suddenly wore white and got married in a church. Most weddings would still be at home and the bride would wear the best dress she could afford. She may have dreamed of something more elegant but would not mind too much as simpler weddings were quite acceptable. Even some brides who could afford a white wedding gown sensibly chose a nice dress or two piece suit that she could continue to wear after her wedding.

One small token she might be able to afford was a white wedding bonnet. She would wear a dress that could be worn again and again for special occasions but her wedding bonnet could be kept as a special memento in remembrance of her wedding day. The picture on the left is an example of this.

By the last decades of the nineteenth century it was more possible for young women to wear a white dress simply because the fabric needed was affordable and readily available. Even in remote areas could be ordered through a catalog. In addition Buttrick and later McCall's patterns were available so anyone with sewing skills could make their own dress or someone in the family could make it for them. As the twentieth century proceeded the wearing of a white bridal gown became more and more common.

Quilts have long been made either for a wedding gift or actually made by the bride herself in anticipation of marriage. Although the patterns used varied greatly one that was popular in the mid 19th century was the appliqued Rose of Sharon Quilt pattern. "The name of the block comes from the song of Solomon: "I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.' The verses are generally recognized as celebrating the passion and love between a man and a woman and honoring the sacrament of marriage." 4

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