The wedding day is one of the biggest days for a girl. Every girl dreams about it and about how beautiful she would want to look and how elegant she’d want her dress to be. This one dream can come true and you won’t even need a fairy godmother to make it possible. All you will need is some foresight and lots of planning. Make sure that you get some help in getting ready for the wedding; otherwise you will get overwhelmed making all the arrangements. Keep in mind one thing though, if you want to look good ON your wedding then you need to be feeling good too. That means that, you need to be actively involved in making the choices especially when it comes to what you will be wearing to the wedding and other related functions. Remember, the idea is to choose dresses and styles that you look good in and not those that others want to see you in.
Tips For Looking Great At Your Wedding
Looking great at your wedding is a result of the culmination of a lot of factors that are essential to the wedding going off without a hitch. Some of the factors that will directly affect the way you look are:
The Dress
The dress can be called the single most important accessory that will make you look good. Since the dress that you wear for your wedding is so important, you must ensure that you select and get the dress ready well before the wedding. Make sure that the dress lets you move around easily and is not too complicated. The more complicated your dress, the higher the chances for a “wardrobe malfunction”.
The Hairstyle
When you are deciding on a hairstyle to sport on the day of the wedding, make sure that you don’t pick a hairstyle that does not suit you or draws attention away from the rest of you. A hairstyle that contrasts with the style of your wedding dress would be a bad idea. Even complicated hairstyles pose the threat of getting spoilt during the ceremony and can’t be fixed in a hurry.
Using Make-up
The use of make-up is not an idea to be shunned, but at the same time if you use too much of it then it will backfire and make you look bad. Choose make-up that enhances your natural beauty. Some pointers that will help with the make-up are use of water proof mascara and avoiding heavy powder eye shadow. If you want glittering make-up, ask a professional to apply it and finally make sure that the tone of the make-up is soft instead of being harsh.
Manicure And Pedicure
It would be a good idea to get a manicure done but as with other things, get a professional manicure done. Getting a pedicure done would also be a very good idea. It doesn’t matter if you plan on wearing open shoes or closed, in case you need to take your shoes off, it would be better to have good looking feet. The best time to get this done would be the day before the wedding.
A big part of looking great is feeling great. If you are tired or stressed out on the day of your wedding, it will show on your face and no amount of make-up will be able to cover it up. The best thing to do is to relax, get some good sleep on the night before the wedding. This would make you feel good during the wedding.
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