Makeup Foundation for Mature Skin

When you hear the term "mature skin" do you know what it really mean? It means skin that is less elastic, less hydrated, and looser. It supports spots, lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet. This is a normal occurrence and a result of life lived.

Mature skin is physiologically different from a young skin, and should be treated differently.

What happens to our skin as we age?

  • The epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, losses lipids, making the skin drier and thinner. The epidermis does not recover as quickly from injury and blemish. The skin becomes transparent and more susceptible to lesions.
  • The dermis, the inner layer of our skin losses collagen and elasticity. The supportive subcutaneous fat becomes thinner as well, causing the skin to sag. Pores, follicles and oil glands become prominent and the skin is more sensitive to sun.
  • Photoaging - changes in the color of the skin happen. Sun freckles, liver spots suddenly appear.
  • The skin becomes dry.
  • Gravity, facial movements, exposure to sun, to the elements, to smoke – all those affect the aging of the skin. Gravity causes drooping of the eyebrows, the eyelids, fullness under the chin and longer ears.

What is the best treatment to keep the skin in good shape?

Eating habits, smoking, sun exposure and genetics come to play in influencing the shape of our skin. For a mature skin, all the experts say the same thing: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Get enough sleep and avoid spending time in the sun without sunblock.

Makeup for Mature Skin

Makeup for mature skin serves two purposes: add color to faded skin and cover small blemishes and wrinkles. It is important to understand that mature women's makeup is not done in orders to look younger.

It is done to accentuate the beauty of the mature look. The result should be a feminine look, radiant and compliment the body. Women with mature skin are no less attractive than young women - though in a different way of course.

Every few years a woman should reassess her makeup texture and color and adjust it to her changing skin. What looked good at 40 might not look as good at 50, with the texture of the skin continuing to change.

The makeup foundation for the mature skin should thus be less heavy. Mature skin tends to wrinkle easier with movement of the expression lines and heavy makeup might make those lines seem more visible. The base should be rich in moisture and not dry. So powders are not recommended. All makeup should be applied after the moisturizer had some time to be absorbed. Contrary to our natural inclination to cover what we can, the foundation should not be heavily applied. When the layer is thick it is not absorbed well into the skin and creates a "caked" look and feel. When it comes to makeup for the mature skin, less is more.

Read more: Makeup Foundation for Mature Skin: Makeup Tips for Older Women

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