Makeup Trends Boys Love

Even if it is common to claim that girls want to look hot in order to make their lady-friends envy it is still a fact that we also long for a look that is more than appealing to guys. The following makeup trends boy love will help you select the best makeup colors and designs when it comes of a special event as a romantic date. Moreover you'll also find out why these trends seem so attractive to the opposite sex.One of the challenging tasks when it comes of building up an A-list look is to choose and ultra-flattering and chic makeup look. Those who are rookies in this modern art might have serious problems. However we are here to help you and reveal all the makeup trends boy love and you can easily pair with your skin tone as well as face shape. Indeed the emphasis should be placed on your best features a thing that varies from one person to another. The secret to still succeed in your selection is to follow some basic principles as presented below. Highlight your best assets and make a smashing impression on boys with these fabulous makeup trends popularized also on the catwalk as well as the red carpet.Boys are simply mesmerized by a fairy-like glimpse. Therefore it is highly recommended to use a high quality mascara to make the best impression and boost the prominence of these cute accessories in an instant. Those who know the not so complicated way of thinking of boys will know that they are mostly impressed by natural looks rather than a face stuffed with thick layers of makeup products. Instead of going over the limit of good sense with the use of both the makeup base as well as eye shadow and other lip makeup products make sure you keep your look pretty neat and natural. The secret weapon still to stand out from the crowd is to use a high quality mascara that would do magic with your lashes.

When the lights go out and you're at a nighttime event, it's advisable to sport a more glittery glam makeup. In this case go for a time-tested and uber-chic trend you'll find in endless variations. Smokey eyes will do miracles with your evening look. Moreover those who are bold enough to sport it for daytime activities will also have the chance to try their hand at the most stylish daytime smokey eyes designs. Shift the attention to your glimpse and make sure you do it like a lady! Define the shape of your eyes with a refined eyeliner, apply the eyeshadow than crown the whole look with mascara.

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