How to choose reading glasses

As you age, the legs may be the last to go, but the functionality of the eyes is nearly always the first to go. You have just turned forty and suddenly realize that you can no longer read the small print on the medicine bottle, it is happening.
This is called presbyopia, which means that an individual can no longer focus on near objects due to insufficient accommodating, which decreases as age sets in. Youngsters can accommodate up to 14D, which means they are capable of reading as close as 7 cm from the eyes. By the time you reach age 45, your ability to accommodate has dropped to approximately 4D. That means that you have to stretch your hands about 25 cm from your eyes in order to read clearly.
Accommodating is a process that our eyes go through that increases their power to enable clear near vision. As our eyes get old their ability to accommodate declines drastically and we are unable to focus on objects that are near. Suddenly it is impossible to read the print in your book. You obviously need reading glasses, or "readers."
If you can still see well at a distance, then reading glasses are what you need. But what do you need to know about how to choose reading glasses?

Consider that reading glasses come in different strengths, or power, from +1.00 to +3.50. A weaker glass, such as +1.00, will enable you to read further away from your eyes while a stronger glass, such as +2.50, will allow clear vision only when you get the reading material closer to your eyes.
Hold a magazine at the distance that you normally read from and try on different reading glasses. Read the type. While testing the glasses, do not change the distance at which you are holding the magazine. If you do, you will have to select a more powerful or less powerful lens. Choose reading glasses that give you the best and clearest vision at the distance at which you have just tested them.
Keep in mind when you choose reading glasses that wearing +1.00 strength, you will be able to see farther away but a stronger glass, such as +2.50, is only going to allow clear vision if the reading material is closer to your eyes. You may need to get a different pair of reading glasses for computer work (not as strong.) Knowing how to choose reading glasses boils down to a large degree to personal preference.

There are two kinds of reading glasses that are available over-the-counter. One is full-rimmed and the other is half-eye. A half-eye positions the lenses low on your eyes. You can look over the rims. If you read a lot then you might prefer full-framed glasses. But if you look up from your reading your vision is going to be blurry. Half eye glasses solve this problem. You will not feel any blurriness if you look up from your reading.

Reading glasses come in a variety of styles, designs and colors. Some of them are quite chic and fashionable looking.

Do not wear your reading glasses if you are not reading. When you do have them on try to avoid looking at distance objects or intermediate objects. Looking through your reading glasses may contribute to blurring your distance vision over time.
Eventually, you will probably require prescription glasses as your vision declines. However, in the mean time, most presbyopes are quite satisfied with reading glasses that can be purchased over-the-counter. Over-the-counter readers do not cost an arm and a leg. Because of their affordability, you can choose reading glasses for studying the newspaper, and another pair for computer work.

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