Small Eyes Makeup Tips and Tricks

Well-shaped brows make small eyes appear wider even without any other makeup. Remove stray hairs and pluck your eyebrows a little with tweezers. When plucking your eyebrows, leave the inner part of your brow thicker, this will create an arch to frame the eye. Then fill in sparse spots with brow powder or brow pencil.Use light shades of eyeshadow
Apply pastel-colored shades of eyeshadow on the entire lid, starting at your lashes, and blending up to your brow. Avoid dark shades which will make small eyes look even smaller.
Apply darker shade to the outer corner of your eyelid and to the crease.
Use white eyeshadow under your brow bone.How to apply eyeliner
To make small eyes appear bigger, line upper and lower eyelids with soft-coloured eyeliner starting above your iris and extend to the outer corner of your eye or slightly upward. Avoid thick black lines, which can actually close up the eye. Smudge the line or use the matching eyeshadow to soften. Use white eyeliner on the inner rims of your eyes.Lashes
To make small eyes appear bigger, curl lashes and coat them with two coats of black mascara.How to choose eyeshadow to match eye color
Eyeshadow colors for blue eyes
Shades of brown, gray, taupe, deep blue, camel, violet.Eye shadow colors for green eyes
Shades of plum, purple, mauve, pink, dark gray, charcoals, all shades of brown, blackEye shadow colors brown eyes
Shades of blue, blue gray, plum
How to apply eyeshadow
Usually you should use three colors:
- The lightest color will open and brighten your eyes.
Apply light shade from the inner corner to the middle of lid from lashes to browline.
To make your eyes appear wider, apply highlight from the inner corner of you lower lid to the middle of the lower lid.

- The medium color will give slight depth to eyes.
Apply medium color to your lid crease. Blend well.

- The most intensive color will give shape to the eyes.
Apply the darkest contrasting color to the outer corener of your eye. If your eyes are close-set, apply the darkest color on the lower lid along the eyelashes.

How to apply eyeliner for small eyes

Eyeliner allows you to shape and emphasize your eyes.
- To make small eyes appear bigger, apply eyeliner from mid-lids to the outer corner of your eye and extend eye liner beyond the eye.
- Apply eye liner as close to lashes as possible
- Hold outside corner of eye with the finger tip to apply.
- Smudge the line or use the matching eyeshadow to soften.
- You can line your eyes with deep-toned eyeshadow instead of the eyeliner
How to choose eyeliner to match eye color
Using different shades of eyeliner also allows you to change the look of your eye color.
Choose an eyeliner color to make your eye color stand out: Eyeliner for blue eyes
Brown shades, black, charcoal, dark green, dark blue.
Eyeliner for green eyes - deep purples, dark browns, golden browns, blacks and charcoal dark shades of plumEyeliner for brown eyes - different tones on brown, golden browns, bronze, black, deep navy blue, dark grays - small eyes makeup, eye makeup for small eyes, small eyes makeup tips and tricks

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