Choosing Perfect Shoes to Match your Outfit

Shoes are an important part of creating an overall look and need to be chosen carefully so that they coordinate well with what you are wearing. If chosen correctly, they can make you look very stunning and fashionable.
Choose perfectly matching shoes for what you are wearing with the help of our shoe selection tips.


Consider the occasion when choosing what shoes to wear. Leather shoes with medium to high heels are common for women attending formal occasions including at meetings, conferences, offices and other formal get-togethers. For men attending formal occasions, brown or black leather shoes are the norm, with black shoes giving the most elegant look.


Choose the right style of shoes for the outfit that you are wearing. For women attending formal occasions this may mean heeled dress shoes with close or open toes.
As a general rule, if the dress you are wearing has a lot of "sparkle", choose plainer shoes with minimal embellishment. Likewise, you can select appropriate shoes and jewellery when wearing something more plain - just decide whether you want the focus to be entirely on your dress or on your footwear and accessories. Let the style of dress reflect the shoe.
Wear stiletto heels to add height and to make your legs look longer, but also take into account that stepping backwards while you are wearing them can tear through some lighter flimsy fabrics.
Wedges can also look elegant provided you have the right style of dress, and can be a great alternative to stilettos.
When choosing shoes to wear with your outfit, be sure to place more emphasis on choosing a shoe that goes well with what you are wearing rather than what are the latest "trendy shoes".
For men attending formal occasions, polished black shoes are the most appropriate.


Coordinate the colour of your shoes with the colour of your outfit. For example, wearing shoes with a touch of red in them might compliment a red dress or handbag. Black shoes will compliment any outfit.

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