Five Fashion Mistakes Women Make

What happens when fashion sense goes wrong? Know the five common fashion mistakes women make and avoid making them.
Geeta is a 25-year-old marketing executive. She is very particular about her appearance. She knows that she wants to be presentable while making presentations, attending meetings and dealing with clients. She knows that a wonderful personality is necessary along with the business skills to become successful. That is why she takes utmost care to avoid common fashion mistakes which can possibly turn into fashion disasters.

Bangles are integral part of the Indian culture as well as fashion. Most Indian women love wearing colourful bangles that will go well with their outfits. Some women wear their wrist watches along with a set of bangles. This is one of the biggest fashion mistakes. It is better not to wear your watch at all when you are wearing bangles. Bangles and a watch do not go together. If you have to wear your wrist watch, then wear your bangles on the other hand.

Flaunting too many hair accessories is another fashion mistake that most women make. It is not necessary to use rubber bands, hair claws, bobby pins, and headbands all at the same time. If you think that wearing too many hair accessories will give you a fabulous hairdo then you are wrong. One or at the most two hair accessories at one time are enough to look attractive. Sometimes, going without any hair accessory while letting your hair down will also make you look elegant.

One fashion mistake and your whole look goes for a toss. You have to preserve your individuality while following the rules of fashion. Fashion is all about etching your personality and not aping fashion trends blindly. Avoid these five big fashion mistakes and be stylish yet yourself.

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