The Japanese is really talented and ingenious nation. The whole world is fascinated with origami, the art to fold the paper to make different models. And today the fashion trend is furoshiki, so-called the ecological handbags which are greatly promoted recently. The concept of the nature-friendly handbags is not new and the Japanese is not the people who pioneered in here. The point is that no other nation has dared to make the handbags and call the ultra-fashionable accessory.
Furoshiki stands for bath rug, as such. And back in old times the Japanese never used to get naked in public bathhouses: they wore special bath kimonos made from cotton to bathe in them. The clothes used to get wet and the Japanese wrapped it into the cloth of textile to make the knot. And that was the first shape of furoshiki handbag which was demanded for centuries. The knot-tied bags were announced fashionable in Japan for the first time in the history of fashionable handbags. That is like the thirst of the Japanese to make ordinary things into the works of art.
In the end of 20th century furoshiki were popular in Japan as the wedding gift elements. They were decorated with patterns to symbolize happy life in marriage. The expensive and rare textile was used to make such wedding furoshiki. Later on the Japanese came with the idea of being friendly to the environment and found the universal substitution to the polyethylene packs.
The real furoshiki is made from square cloths of fabric from cotton, silk and other materials with the length of forty to eighty cm each side. Actually, there are no limits to make various furoshiki to the most varied tastes. They can be tiny and spacey, it depends on personal preferences.
The major point is that the cloth for furoshiki should be square and roomy enough for the item o carry on. And the furoshiki looks appropriate and effective when the rules are done. When the Japanese invention is used as the ordinary women tote from textile for every day wear, then the best choice is to have the cloth of larger size around a square meter or so, when it is enough to make the straps and drapery if any is designed. It is easy and comfortable to tie the furoshiki in the y way you like which make them look similar with functional transformer handbags. The furoshiki is comfortable to carry as a rucksack or justhold in hands. Sometimes multi-layer furoshiki is made when the cloths are equal in size but they differ in color and style. When folding at different angles, furoshiki masters create incredible versions of handbags.
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