Selecting Lipstick Colors: Matching Lipstick Colors To Your Mood

Every woman knows what it's like to go shopping for a new shade of lipstick. You usually end up standing in the lipstick aisle indecisively looking up and down the rows of reds, pinks, mauves and purples wondering, "Gee, which color do I want?"

Ten minutes has gone by and you still haven’t made a decision. There's so many shades to choose from...stupid makeup manufacturers. There are lipstick colors to go with every skin tone, every possible outfit and every social situation you may find yourself in. The choices seem overwhelming.

Okay, this is getting rediculous, you’ve got to make up your mind somehow. Here’s our suggestion: The next time you go lipstick shopping, select lipstick

Selecting a lipstick color to wear for the day should be similar to selecting your outfit for the day. Think about it. When you wake up in the morning and try to get dressed, you don't just throw on a quick outfit and run out the door. Instead, you look at your options and decide whether you’re in the mood to wear the blue top or the pink top, a skirt or jeans, or a striped suit instead of a dress.Your mood dictates what outfit you finally select. The same should be true about your lipstick. How you’re feeling that day should help determine which lipstick color you wear.

But which lipstick color fits your particular mood? Here is a quick list of lipstick colors and the moods they represent so you can select a lipstick color to match your mood.

colors to match each one of your moods.

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